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Our team is made up of talented defense lawyers, including many who once served as prosecutors and regulators. We help our clients resolve their legal issues by immersing ourselves in how they think and operate.

We defend corporate and executive clients in complex investigations and enforcement matters. We combine decades of experience, including service at the highest levels of government, with a deep understanding of our clients’ business objectives.

We also assist boards of directors, committees, and corporate management in conducting internal investigations. We are known for a disciplined investigative approach that focuses on the question at hand, while remaining mindful of our clients’ broader regulatory, litigation, and commercial considerations.

Who We Are

We are very familiar with the investigative techniques and objectives of the agencies before which we appear. That’s because our lawyers served in and helped to lead those agencies. Our team includes former high-ranking members of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC), Department of Treasury, and state attorneys general, and our former federal enforcers span all recent administrations.

Our ranks include the two former managers of DOJ’s Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) Unit who developed the modern architecture of FCPA enforcement. We also boast pre-eminent corporate fraud and national security lawyers. They include the former Chief of DOJ’s Market Integrity and Major Frauds Unit, Chief of DOJ’s Money Laundering and Asset Recovery Section, Chief of DOJ’s Foreign Agents Registrations Act Unit, Director of the Department of Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control, and General Counsel for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. 

Our commitment to fielding teams with robust government experience extends to Asia and Europe, where our lawyers have served in law enforcement and regulatory agencies such as the UK’s Serious Fraud Office, Singapore Attorney-General’s Chambers, Japan’s Financial Services Agency, and the Securities & Futures Commission of Hong Kong.

Where We Operate

Our lawyers operate from the United States, Europe, and Asia, and we are very active in Latin America. We have handled matters in over 85 countries on six continents, and where we lack a physical presence, we work with our network of trusted local partners. Our lawyers are multilingual and familiar with local laws and customs, providing local advice from a global perspective. 

Recognized in Corporate Investigations/Anti-Corruption (China)

Chambers Global 2025