Bank of America, as tax equity investor in 685 MWs of wind power projects sponsored by Iberdrola and EDP Renewables.
Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd. in a joint development with First Gen Corp. of an LNG import and regasification terminal project in Batangas Province, Philippines.
BayWa r.e. Wind, LLC, in its tax equity financing of the Brahms Wind Project by Union Bank and subsequent sale to Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets.
Minera Lumina Copper Chile (a joint venture between Pan Pacific Copper Co. and Mitsui & Co., Ltd.) in the $1.4 billion limited-recourse project financing for the development of the Caserones Copper and Molybdenum Mining Project in Chile.
The finance parties (including commercial banks, Islamic finance institutions, and various export credit agencies (including COFACE, CESCE, K-sure, KEXIM, JBIC, NEXI, and Hermes) in connection with the US$14 billion Jubail Refinery and Petrochemical Project in Saudi Arabia, including four Islamic tranches and a sukuk bond.
DOE in the limited-recourse project financing for three concentrating solar thermal electric generating plants totaling 375 MW, near the Ivanpah Dry Lake in the Mojave Desert.
An export-credit agency and lenders in the financing of the Talas de Maciel wind farm project in Uruguay.