What Now? Unpacking the FTC Non-compete Ban
What Now? Unpacking the FTC Non-compete Ban
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) just unveiled its final rule, banning non-compete agreements with nearly all U.S. workers. The FTC’s new rule will have far-reaching implications for businesses, should it survive pending legal challenges. In the meantime, companies must consider their practices and strategies in light of FTC’s non-compete ban and the growing trend of federal and state lawmakers and regulators seeking to limit the use of non-competes and other restrictions on worker mobility.
Join MoFo partners Megan Gerking, David Shaw, Cooper Spinelli, and Andrew Turnbull as they unpack the FTC’s non-compete ban and provide practical steps companies can consider taking now to navigate this rule and the broader trend against non-competes. Topics to be discussed include:
Scope of the ban, including the workers covered by the FTC’s final rule;
Possible exemptions from the ban, including sale of business non-competes;
Pending legal challenges;
How the final rule fits into the broader trend against non-competes; and
Practical strategies for businesses to navigate these trends.
Register for the event through the Federal Bar Association or MyLawCLE. Please contact Kaitlin Leddy for a complimentary access code.