Robert May, Kate Driscoll, and Natalie Kernisant were featured in a Law360 article about Morrison Foerster’s Parents + Caregivers Network, which aims to provide support and resources for those balancing work and family. Robert, co-chair of the network, discussed the creation of the network.
Kate, also a co-chair of the network, said, “It can feel like there's this omnipresent ball juggling act. What we try to do is not only provide support for attorneys and business professionals here at Morrison & Foerster, but also give them the tools for how to drop the balls that may not be as pressing or as important as others.”
Natalie said, “Not only does it show the firm is dedicated to their development in and outside of work, but it allows for colleagues to show up for each other in that way as well and connect over shared experiences.”
Read the full article.