MoFo partners James Koukios and Ruti Smithline spoke at American Conference Institute's Mexico Summit on Anti-Corruption. James served on a panel entitled, "Defense Counsel and Former DOJ Officials Perspectives on FCPA Enforcement, Compliance Expectations and External Monitorships: What is on the Horizon for Industry in Mexico," where he shared concrete examples and past experiences to help identify the key areas of risk to address and the anticipated shift in enforcement. Ruti served on a panel entitled, "The Crossover between AML and Anti-Corruption Investigations and Compliance Risks: When One Prosecution Can Lead to Another - and The Latest Takeaways for Mitigating New Liability Risks," where she discussed measures to improve you AML risk management and shield against potential bribery concerns, how money is flowing through the financial system in Mexico, how to identify the heightened risks and types of corruption in the financial sector, and how to identify the most common ways funds are being transferred illegally.