MoFo partners Ruti Smithline and James Koukios are serving as speakers at ACI's 38th International Conference on the FCPA. Ruti is co-leading a session entitled, “The New Face of Enforcement Across Latin America: FBI Task Force and Leading Practitioners Discuss New, Emerging Legal, Compliance and Geopolitical Trends,” which will address key considerations for companies operating in Latin America as a result of the Biden Administration’s heightened focus on the region and recent FCPA enforcement activity.
James will be speaking on a panel entitled, “Defending Your FCPA Compliance Program to the Agencies: Preparing for a Meeting and What to Expect Amid the Biden Administration’s Intensified Focus on Foreign Corruption.” In this session, James and his co-panelists will address how companies can prepare for meetings with key enforcement agencies and walk government decision-makers through their program. This session will provide practical guidance following President Biden’s June 2021 directive to perform a 200-day interagency review regarding how the U.S. government can better combat corruption.
ACI's Annual International Conference on the FCPA brings together leading in-house counsel, defense lawyers, government officials, and third-party experts to discuss updates on the FCPA and applicable anti-corruption laws and procedures to prevent inappropriate payments. Morrison & Foerster’s award-winning FCPA + Global Anti-Corruption practice is a proud sponsor of this event.