Austria has implemented data protection legislation that applies across sectors in Austria. Companies subject to the law in Austria should be familiar with all relevant privacy and data security laws or regulations, including those listed below.

National Data Protection Authority - Other Government Agencies

Datenschutzbehörde (Data Protection Authority)

Privacy Law and Regulations

National-Federal Laws and Regulations
Federal Act concerning the Protection of Personal Data (Datenschutzgesetz - DSG), 2018
Sectoral Privacy Laws and Regulations
Telecommuncations Act 2021
Anti-Spam Laws and Regulations
Sec. 151 of the Industrial Code 1994 (direct marketing by normal mail)
Sec. 174 of the Telecommunications Act 2021 (unsolicited messages and unsolicited calls)
Sec. 6-8 E-Commerce Act, Austrian Federal Law Gazette I No. 152/2001 (direct marketing by telephone, fax and e-mail)