Change from the Top

Change from the Top invites CEOs and general counsel from organizations across various industries to join MoFo partners in sharing best practices around diversity and inclusion. The program is designed to provide a unique opportunity for leaders across industries to discuss some of the biggest challenges they face in including diversity and inclusion in the hopes of helping organizations create and sustain more inclusive work environments.

diveristy events

MoFo’s Diversity Summit

Since the early 1990s, the firm has hosted professional development workshops designed for our U.S.-based attorneys with diverse experiences and perspectives. The workshops gather attorneys from across the firm’s domestic offices for a two-day program of professional development, diversity-related trainings, speakers, panels, and opportunities to build firm relationships and network. They also provide an occasion to update associates on firmwide diversity and inclusion initiatives and solicit feedback. Past workshops have explored topics such as understanding and uncovering implicit bias, improving communication skills with clients, and building your personal brand.

A recent Diversity Summit theme, “Putting Our Stories to Work,” represented how we use storytelling to draw connections among our colleagues and clients. When we bring our whole selves to work, we enrich our collective experience and become stronger. At MoFo, our diversity is the reason for our success.

The two-day event explored personal journeys to partnership, successful mentor/sponsor partnerships, and professional development, with features such as business development sessions on building your network and pitching to clients, and effective communication workshops.

Partnership with Keep Company

Keep Company is a coaching program specifically designed for parents and caregivers in the legal industry. Rooted in the science of behavior change, the program provides participants with resources to navigate work and family responsibilities. Our attorneys and business professionals are matched into groups based on their work functions, level of care, personal identity, and schedules to generate customized content facilitated by an expert coach on a biweekly basis for three months.